International Diploma: Women in Leadership

Upcoming start date: October 7 to November 27, 2024

International Diploma:
Women in Leadership

University Accredited – CPD Credits

Learn from the world’s top businesswomen to excel in your field! This program, completed in under just 8 weeks, equips you with critical leadership skills to boost your career and income.

Our unique accredited program delivers immediate workplace tools and confidence. Join a distinguished network and learn from global business leaders. Upon completion, you will receive CPD Certificates and a University credit-rated diploma.

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    Price: €2,997 / €299 Deposit
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    Contact Hours: Online 2Hrs/Week
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    Delivery: Self-paced & cohort based
  • Registration is now open for the next cohort: Oct 7 – Nov 27, 2024


Entirely online self-paced weekly modules


8 Weeks, 2 hours per week

Taught By

Global Industry Female Leaders


Learn alongside a global cohort of like-minded professionals


Total Price €2,997
€299 Deposit


Credit Rated University Program: Accredited by: Glasgow Caledonian University + 8 CPD Certificates


Entirely online self-paced weekly modules


8 Weeks, 2 hours per week

Taught By

Global Industry Female Leaders


Learn alongside a global cohort of like-minded professionals


Total Price €2,997
€299 Deposit


Credit Rated University Program: Accredited by: Glasgow Caledonian University + 8 CPD Certificates

Learning Outcomes

  • Define Your unique Leadership Style
  • Strengthen Your Leadership Skills
  • Master Communication & Presence
  • Identify Core Values, Strengths, & Authenticity
  • Develop Strategies for Change Management
  • Embrace the 7 Steps for Customer & Employee Engagement
  • Refine Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Cultivate Workplace Trust & Empathy
  • Formulate the Career of Your Dreams
  • Cultivate Strategic Connections
  • Lead with Strengths & Integrity

Why This Course:

Statistics reveal a critical gap: Less than a third of global leadership roles are held by women, with percentages dropping even lower in various parts of the world. The percentages of global female CEOs in 2023 broken down by region are sobering:

EU – 7.9%
North America – 7%
Asia – 3%
Latina Markets – 1.5%

This course provides the leadership skills essential to the career advancement for women in corporate roles or looking to elevate their own business.  In 10 weeks, you will have adopted new leadership skills that will help you feel empowered and drive impactful changes in your organization. Join an exceptional group of accomplished executives to take your management and leadership skills to the next level.

What Sets This Course Apart

  • Direct insights from world-class female leaders
  • A focus on authentic leadership skills development, communication mastery and personal branding.
  • A unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing you for career advancement.
  • A flexible learning format that caters to the demanding schedules of professionals.

Want to find out more about this diploma course?

→ Download Brochure

Certified Fast Paced Education is the Vehicle to accelerate Female Advancement

Flexible Learning Format

Develop your unique leadership skills, strengthen your communication skills and master the art of engagement through a multi-faceted learning approach which includes:

Part-time Classes with
On-Demand & Live

8-10 live sessions over 10 weeks

Supplementary on-demand

Intuitive Online

A learning platform that is easy-to-use and delivers high-quality production instructional video modules.

Applied Learning

Project-based work
for real-life applicability


Weekly cohort interactions for
maximum networking

Industry Expert

Lecturers and coaches share knowledge, giving applicable advice and project feedback In real-time, virtually.

Micro Credits

Multiple micro assessments for
micro-credit opportunities


Projects customized to each
student’s career

University Credit Rating &

Final assessment to receive university credit rating & women in leadership diploma 

Who is this Diploma For:
Join an accomplished, vibrant and global cohort of executive changemakers who include:

Aspiring Leaders

  • Enhance current leadership skills
  • Prepare for greater leadership roles and responsibilities
  • Amplify strengths and make improvements where needed
  • Build confidence to a new level!

Team Managers

  • Enhance management of teams more effectively
  • Lead teams with empathy and enthusiasm
  • Cultivate confidence and the unique skills of a woman in leadership

Senior Executives & C-Suite Leaders:

  • Maximize your strengths as a woman in leadership
  • Lead by example, championing for workplace equality
  • Enhance public-facing representation

Male Executives:

  • Develop a better understanding of gender dynamics
  • Champion women and grow leadership representation
  • Garner new empathetic leadership skills through cohort communications.

International Diploma:
Women In Leadership

Unlock your potential and hone your
leadership skills development.

Course Fee


This is a global programme and can be paid in the currency of your choice.

Next course commences
October 7 to November 27, 2024
Payment Plans Available

Why Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Matters

Embracing diversity and inclusion is not just a moral imperative but a competitive advantage. The International Diploma: Women in Leadership programme aligns with this ethos, demonstrating why integrating diversity and inclusion into leadership is crucial for modern businesses, such as:

  • Enhanced Decision Making: Diverse leadership teams bring a variety of perspectives, leading to more comprehensive and innovative decision-making processes.
  • Reflecting the Market: A leadership team that mirrors the diversity of the market is better equipped to understand and cater to varied customer needs.
  • Fostering Creativity and Innovation: Inclusive environments are breeding grounds for creativity, driving
    innovation and business growth.
  • Improving Employee Engagement: Companies with inclusive cultures tend to have higher employee engagement and retention rates.

Need help approaching management about using
your learning budget for this course?

→ Download brochure with talking points

International University-Accredited Programme

genconnectU and The Leadership Skills Institute is honored to offer the bespoke Women in Leadership course through the Glasgow Caledonian Credit Rating of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework.

What a university-accredited programme for
Women in Leadership means for you:

What a university-accredited programme for
Women in Leadership means for you:



Accredited programmes
are a mark of quality
and rigor that’s backed
by a university.



Employers value
accredited qualifications
for hiring and promotions.



With accreditation,
your credits are eligible
toward further studies
and are often transferable.



Some professions
require licensing or
continuing education



Accredited programme
ensures your time, effort,
and resources are placed
in an education recognized
and respected globally.



Accredited programmes
are a mark of quality
and rigor that’s backed
by a university.



Employers value
accredited qualifications
for hiring and promotions.



With accreditation,
your credits are eligible
toward further studies
and are often transferable.



Some professions
require licensing or
continuing education



Accredited programme
ensures your time, effort,
and resources are placed
in an education recognized
and respected globally.



Accredited programmes
are a mark of quality
and rigor that’s backed
by a university.



Employers value
accredited qualifications
for hiring and promotions.



With accreditation,
your credits are eligible
toward further studies
and are often transferable.



Some professions
require licensing or
continuing education



Accredited programme
ensures your time, effort,
and resources are placed
in an education recognized
and respected globally.

  • null


    Accredited programmes
    are a mark of quality
    and rigor that’s backed
    by a university.

  • null


    Employers value
    accredited qualifications
    for hiring and promotions.

  • null


    With accreditation,
    your credits are eligible
    toward further studies
    and are often transferable.

  • null


    Some professions
    require licensing or
    continuing education

  • null


    Accredited programme
    ensures your time, effort,
    and resources are placed
    in an education recognized
    and respected globally.

Course Outline

Module 1: Mastering Values Driven Leadership

  • Digging your Heels in to be a Courageous Leader – Joan Kuhl
  • Mastering Communications as a Leader – Gina London
  • How to lead through change with emotional intelligence – Breda McCague

Module 2: Mastering Leadership Communications & Customer Engagement

  • Activating Customer & Employee Engagement – Amanda Slavin
  • Maximizing Customer Loyalty – Melinda Emerson
  • Leading Meetings For Results & Real Leadership! – Mamie Kanfer Stewart
  • Conflict Management for People Managers – Louisa Meehan

Module 3: Mastering Your Leadership Path for Life – Presence, Reputation, & Mentorship

  • Embracing Leadership to Accelerate Growth! – Ashley Miles
  • Modern Mentorship: A Win-Win Framework of Mutuality – Elisa Camahort Page
  • Leading with Kindness and Strength – Fran Hauser

Expert Course Instructors

Digging your Heels in to be
a Courageous Leader

E-Course on demand & Live

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    Joan Kuhl

    Corporate Equality Advocate, Author, Founder, Why Millennials Matter/Kuhl Co.

Mastering Communications
as a Leader

E-Course on demand

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    Gina London

    Renowned Global Expert on Leadership Communications

How to Lead through Change
with Emotional Intelligence

E-Course on demand & Live

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    Breda McCague

    Motivator, Empowerment & Transformation Specialist

Activating Customer

E-Course on demand & Live

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    Amanda Slavin

    CatalystCreativ & Author of The Seventh Level

Boost Your Revenue with Customer Retention
E-Course on demand & Live

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    Melinda Emerson

    Small Business Expert, Bestselling Author, Founder & President, Quintessence Group

Leading Meetings for Results & Real Leadership
E-Course on demand & Live

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    Mamie Kanfer Stewart

    Author, CEO & Founder, Meeteor

Conflict Management for
People Managers

E-Course on demand & Live

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    Louisa Meehan

    Founder of Woodview HRM

Embracing Leadership
to Accelerate Growth!

E-Course on demand & Live

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    Ashley Miles

    Founder & CEO – Franklyn West

Modern Mentorship: A Win-Win Framework of Mutuality
E-Course on demand & Live

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    Elisa Camahort Page

    Community Builder, Communicator & Co-Founder, BlogHer

Leading with Kindness
and Strength

E-Course on demand & Live

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    Fran Hauser

    Career Expert, Start-up Investor, Author

Unlock your potential with the
International Diploma: Women in Leadership.

Frequently Asked Questions

More questions?
Speak to our course advisor or email us at

About genconnectU and The Leadership Skills Institute

genconnectU is an eLearning company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, endorsed by Enterprise Ireland. Our courses are taught by globally recognized expert professionals and are designed for ambitious learners in the US, UK, EMEA and Asia-Pacific.
genconnectU delivers accredited professional education and certification to leaders everywhere. As partners with LinkedIn Learning, genconnectU understands the growing demands of upskilling in communications, leadership, culture, DEI and project management as essential success drivers.

Powered by genconnectU, The Leadership Skills Institute (LSI) provides education and certification in leadership to professionals and aspiring C-Suite Executives around the world. Created to deliver university credentialed programmes, LSI offers the advanced skills and applied project-based programming that professionals are seeking in the corporate world today.

LSI’s programs are credit rated and approved for University diplomas by Glasgow Caledonian University and SCQF, the Scottish Qualifications Framework.

Learning valuable skills that will accelerate your career never got easier and more affordable!

Delivering Certified Confidence

Certified fast paced education is the vehicle to accelerate female advancement