Storytelling That Sells – Harness the Power of Good Storytelling
Elisa Camahort Page - Founder, Author, Community Builder,In this course, Blogher Co-founder, award winning entrepreneur, author and activist, Elisa Camahort Page, discusses the secrets to telling stories that stick.

This course walks you through the steps to assess your opportunity, position your story accordingly, present your story effectively, and then measure the success of each engagement. Whether you are presenting at a conference, being interviewed about your company’s products or services, or have a long sought-after media opportunity, there are a few key secrets you need to know. No matter what you are telling or selling to customers, audiences, or media, if you understand these key principles and how to put them into practice, you will successfully accomplish your objectives.
In this course you will learn:
- How to craft a story to illustrate your ideal positioning.
- How to develop your talking points.
- To strategise the whole package when presenting your positioning.
- To succinctly communicate clear messages.
- To stay on point, remove distractions, sound natural and stay unflappable.
- To master interviews so your message comes through.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Working back from the end result
Lesson 1: Who are you talking to (and why does that matter)?
Lesson 2: What do you want from them?
Lesson 3: What does your audience want from you?
Lesson 4: Spotlight on reporters: What drives them?
Lesson 5: Defining the ideal outcome
Lesson 6: PDF: Opportunity Assessment Worksheet
Lesson 6: PDF: Opportunity Assessment Worksheet Exercise
6 lessons, 6 Videos + 1 PDF Downloadable Worksheet + Quiz
Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Understand the difference between features vs. benefits, problems vs. solutions
Lesson 1: Problems drive considering change
Lesson 2: Features are table stakes
Lesson 3: Benefits justify the pain of change
Lesson 4: Solution = Positioning Nirvana
Lesson 5: A word about truth
Lesson 6: PDF: Problem, Feature, Benefit, Solutions Worksheet
Lesson 6: PDF: Problem, Feature, Benefit, Solutions Worksheet Exercise
6 lessons, 6 Videos + 1 PDF Downloadable Worksheet + Quiz
Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Identifying and prioritizing pull through messages
Lesson 1: What is a pull-through message?
Lesson 2: Spoonfeeding a narrative, not a spec sheet
Lesson 3: The ideal number of pull through messages.
3 lessons, 3 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Craft talking points that support your pull through messages
Lesson 1: What is the difference between a pull through message and a talking point?
Lesson 2: Scrubbing your language (no, I don’t mean for profanity)
Lesson 3: With all the scrubbing, how do you sound natural?
Lesson 4: WRITE IT DOWN!!
Lesson 5: PDF: Pull-Through Messages and Talking Points Worksheet
Lesson 5: PDF: Pull-Through Messages and Talking Points Worksheet
5 lessons, 5 Videos + 1 PDF Downloadable Worksheet + Quiz
Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Assess the specific audience
Lesson 1: For sales: Where are they in your pipeline
Lesson 2: For investment: How do you fit into their philosophy and what big future are you promising?
Lesson 3: For media: Quiz the reporter about the story they’re trying to tell
Lesson 4: For conference audiences: What have they heard before? And how can you not go there?
4 lessons, 4 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Tactical tips for presenting
Lesson 1: What not to wear
Lesson 2: What to do with your hands
Lesson 3: Tics, vocal and otherwise
Lesson 4 Test the tech
Lesson 5: PDF: Pre-Opportunity Checklist
Lesson 5: PDF: Pre-Opportunity Checklist Exercise
5 lessons, 5 Videos + 1 PDF Downloadable Worksheet + Quiz
Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Plan for both ideal questions and “Rude Q&A”
Lesson 1: Plan your answers for both ideal and rude questions
Lesson 2: Don’t speak for others, speak for yourself
Lesson 3: Don’t speculate, share what you know
Lesson 4: Don’t speak to what you haven’t read, seen, heard
Lesson 5: “That’s a great question” and other ways to control time
Lesson 6: Here’s what not to say
Lesson 7: PDF: Useful Phrases Cheat Shee
Lesson 7: PDF: Useful Phrases Cheat Sheet Exercise
7 lessons, 7 Videos + 1 PDF Downloadable Worksheet + Quiz
Chapter 8
Chapter 8: How to stay on message and pivot to your talking points
Lesson 1: Evangelism, not conversion
Lesson 2: The circle dance
Lesson 3: The role of data
Lesson 4: The Art of Listening and Asking, i.e. Don’t assume or presume
4 lessons, 4 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 9
Chapter 9: Measuring success
Lesson 1: Relevance
Lesson 2: Reach and Revenue
Lesson 3: Last word: When failure is success
Lesson 4: PDF: Post-Opportunity Post-Mortem Worksheet
Lesson 4: PDF: Post-Opportunity Post-Mortem Worksheet Exercise
4 lessons, 4 Videos + 1 PDF Downloadable Worksheet + Quiz
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