For Enterprise

94% of employees say they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development.

LinkedIn – Workforce Learning Report


Upskilling a small team or your entire organization?

Professional Development is the # 1 Benefit that Employees care about in 2023.

Increase your employee retention and loyalty with genconnectU for business

genconnectU for business helps you take your talent to the next level. Inspire your employees and teams with personalized access to over 20,000 lessons and hundreds of on-demand courses from the world’s most successful experts. Give your employees the tools they need to love their jobs and reach
your company’s goals.

Learning and improving soft skills will help your employees become:

  • Trusted Leaders
  • Effective Communicators
  • Mindful Managers
  • Confident Decision Makers
  • Creative Idea Generators
  • Empathetic Listeners
  • Culturally Conscious

An upskill program will positively impact your company’s diversity, equality and inclusion ratios and is a pathway to a stranger, healthier bottom line.

Teaching and polishing soft skills like leadership 2023, working from home, presenting live and virtually, running a meeting from anywhere, networking, executive presence and more are essential to your company’s growth now more than ever before.

Let’s start a conversation to explore how we can help upskill and advance your organization.

Customized Enterprise Programming

Just like your employee’s interests, continuing education is not a “one size fits all.” At gcU, we customize each program for the company and its unique brand, product line, executive positioning and employee demands

Download our prospectus to explore how genconnectU can add value to your company and positively impact your bottom line.


gcU customized enterprise eduTech solutions include these select offerings:

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    Co-branded for licensee enterprise

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    Customized content produced and branded for company

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    Unlimited Subscriptions for multiple distribution up to 12 months

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    Group Live Stream bi-weekly with Expert Instructor – Bi-Weekly Includes: Invite, Management, Production, Analytics

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    Course-codes provide company users with access to all courses in gcU

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    Accreditations created for CPD, badging, branding and internal evaluations

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    Shared Data
    and Analytics

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    Unlimited Subscriptions

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    Customized course production with company executives

Our Partners

genconnectU partners with these
Institutes & Corporations