Fred Devito
Founder & Director, Aspen Yoga Society
About This Expert
Fred DeVito is a member of Exhale Mind Body Spa’s founding team and executive vice president of mind-body training. He cofounded the company’s highly publicized Core Fusion® program and codeveloped Exhale’s proprietary Core Fusion Sport, Core Fusion Cardio, and Boot Camp classes.
Fred began teaching fitness in 1978, as a physical education instructor in the public school system. That’s when he first noticed that not all exercises produced results. Jumping jacks, wind mills, toe touches, running the track… it didn’t matter: the skinny kids would stay skinny and the fat kids would stay fat.
Before opening Exhale Spa, for 20 years, with his wife and partner, Elisabeth Halfpapp, he taught classes at the acclaimed, Lotte Berk Method Studio, on the upper east side of New York City.