Resilience and Happiness Post Pandemic
Gopi Kallayil - Chief Business Strategist, AI, and Author, GoogleIn this course, Gopi Kallayil, Chief Evangelist, Digital Transformation and Strategy at Google and author of ” The Happy Human” and “The Internet to the Inner-net” discusses resilience post pandemic.

You learn how to live as a happy human and how to take care of your most important asset, yourself. He discusses how the pandemic took away a lot of the elements that lead to happiness and provides you with a formula designed to help you recover these in your everyday life. His formula, Give yourself Medals every day, where M for Meditation, E for Exercise , D for Diet, A for Appreciation, L for Learning and Love, S for Sleep and Social connections.
Join Gopi and find your path to happiness post pandemic.
In this course you will learn
- How the pandemic disrupted your physical and mental well being
- How to develop executive presence
- How to check in with your holistic health
- About anxiety and returning to work
- How to explore your resilience
- How to stay present
- The importance of rest and recovery
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1
Intro to Course
1 lesson, 1 Video + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Happiness in Everyday Life
Lesson 1: How the Pandemic Affected Us
Lesson 2: Give Yourself Medals Daily
Lesson 3: Checking in with Yourself
3 lessons, 3 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 3
Chapter 2 Finding Our Way Back
Lesson 1: Disruption
Lesson 2: Anxiety and Reentry
Lesson 3: Attachment and Impermanence
Lesson 4: Vulnerability
4 lessons, 4 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 4
Chapter 3 Going Outside to Go Inside
Lesson 1: Interconnection with Nature
Lesson 2: Responsibility to be the Solution
Lesson 3: The Conscious Consumer
3 lessons, 3 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 5
Chapter 4 Challenges
Lesson 1: Resilience
Lesson 2: Thriving in Uncertainty
Lesson 3: Staying Present
Lesson 4: Rest to be Resilient
Lesson 5: Gratitude Expands Engagement
5 lessons, 5 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
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