One Degree of Connection: College Edition

Laura Mignott - Storyteller,

This course offers great tips for recent college graduates on how to start using connections to get their first jobs.



A message from Laura Mignott…

It only takes one contact to transform your entire life. You know, my legendary Golden Rolodex didn’t just appear on my desk one day. It took years of networking and building my professional relationships, starting in my freshman year at NYU.

And though the power of connection has always been vital in business, it’s hard to imagine a time where it’s more important than right now. And that’s why I created this course. I’ll share ways you can make career-changing connections, honor your value, discover projects that inspire you, and pinpoint your X-Factor. And with today’s pandemic challenges, I’ve designed additional techniques to help you navigate connecting with people during this time.

So don’t waste any more time on the couch. You’re just one degree away from changing your life.

Course Curriculum

Chapter 1

One Degree of Connection: College Edition

  • Lesson 1: Connecting to Land Your First Job

  • Lesson 2: One Degree of Connection

  • Lesson 3: Strategies for Reaching Out

  • Lesson 4: Reach Out to Your Connections - Downloadable PDF

  • Lesson 5: Be Brave and Make the Ask!

  • Lesson 6: Your Resume & Interview Practice

  • Lesson 7: Questions for an Interview - Downloadable PDF

  • Lesson 8: You Got the Job! Now What? - How to Be Most Successful

  • Lesson 9: Cover Letter Template - Downloadable PDF

  • Lesson 10: Tips & Tricks!


6 lessons, 6 Videos + 4 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz

Tips for landing your first job, strategies for widening your circle of influence and connections, and beyond!

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