How to be a Visionary that Disrupts Culture
Dia Simms - Chief Executive Officer, Lobos1707Dia’s accomplished career trajectory proves that commitment and hard work pay off. In her course, she discusses her career moves, her approach to business, fighting for equality, the importance of diversity, creating brand profiles, and how to be most successful in the workplace.

In a span of 12 years, Dia Simms has risen through the ranks of Combs Enterprises, from assistant to President. Dia’s accomplished career trajectory proves that commitment and hard work pay off. In her course, she discusses her career moves, her approach to business, fighting for equality, the importance of diversity, creating brand profiles, and how to be most successful in the workplace.
What am I going to get from this course?
- An understanding of how to create strong relationships between brands, people, and companies.
- How to empower people.
- Tips on developing a personal brand and excelling in the work you do.
- Job interview tips.
- How to create meaning in many aspects of your life and empower change.
- Insight on how to identify your priorities and maintain a balanced life
Who is the target audience?
- Entrepreneurs and individuals looking to grow their business or advance their career.
- Individuals who want to become a better leader, boss, or manager.
- People seeking promotions and looking to secure higher positions.
- Females who seek inspiration and ways to uncover their core values and self-expression
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1
The Relationships Between Brand Personalities and the Constituency We Serve
Lesson 1: Creating a Brand’s Profile
Lesson 2: Define Consumers and Engage With Them
2 lessons, 2 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 2
A Narrow Focus Yields Broad Results
Lesson 1: Balancing Your Inner Power & Being Authentic
Lesson 2: Developing a Personal Brand
Lesson 3: Work-life Balance: Identifying Your Priorities
3 lessons, 3 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 3
The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace
Lesson 1: Empower People in All Positions
Lesson 2: Empathy is an Undervalued Skillset
2 lessons, 2 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 4
Make Your Work Meaningful
Lesson 1: Opportunities and Initiatives
Lesson 2: Driving Change to Unite Everyone
2 lessons, 2 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
Chapter 5
Wisdom and Tips from Dia, a Female Business Women/President
Lesson 1: How to be Successful at Interviews
Lesson 2: Knowing Your Value is Critical
Lesson 3: Don’t be Afraid to be Creative
Lesson 4: What it’s like to Work with Sean Combs (AKA Diddy)
4 lessons, 4 Videos + 0 PDF Downloadable Worksheets + Quiz
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