Learning Guide

Personal Development, Career, Health, Leadership & Wellness. We have it covered.

genconnectU’s tailored content has been designed to empower all women

Personal Development

Unlock your full potential and capability with our wide range of personal development courses. Our hand picked industry experts will help you to tap into your full potential and equip you with the tools to maximize your own personal development journey.


Learn what good governance is and how to apply leadership skills in every day career focused situations. genconnectU has sourced leaders from the corporate world to impart their knowledge and experiences on their journey to the top.

Health & Wellness

Our experts in meditation and diet are leaders in their respective industries, our courses have been designed to help you achieve balance in what can be a hectic day to day existence. Learn to balance everything life can throw at you and acheive the best version of yourself.


Whether you are at the start of your career or well into your career journey, the impact our experts can have on your career trajectory will increase your likelihood of climbing the career ladder rapidly.


Are you thinking about or have already taken the plunge into Entrepreneurship and owning your own business? Well genconnectU has just the right courses to guide you towards success, our convenient and easily assessable courses can be completed on your time because we know just how busy it can be owning and running your own business.

All Courses Follow Our Learning Path