Elisabetta L Faenza

Key Motivator, Trainer & Author

About This Expert

Elisabetta’s journey as a story teller began at an early age. With a passion for research and sharing people’s stories, Elisabetta is able to discover what is special about you and your business, and stratgegically communicate your message through the written and spoken word, across multiple media.

She is an acclaimed and engaging international Conference Speaker, Workshop facilitator and mentor.

Elisabetta is the editor and ghost writer of choice for business leaders, having collaborated on numberous best sellers. She is the author of the internationally acclaimed business books – The Energy Bucket (2010) and The Energy Code (2014).

Elisabetta is a popular author of fiction, whose works include The Infidel (2013), Veritas (2014), Tales of Sex and Magic (2011), Nemesis (2012) and the musical ‘D’Arc The Legend of Saint Joan (1998).Elisabetta’s can add the wow factor to all your communication – digital or print – by sharing your unique idea, product or service with the world. Elisabetta can either write or edit your copy to maximise SEO, impact and sales conversion. The choice is yours.

Elisabetta is an expert in human performance, specialising in the application of the latest research in epigenetics – how our genes and environment interact – to optimise organisational and societal outcomes.
With 30 years experience working with individuals, corporates, transnationals, non-profits and government agencies, Elisabetta can help you maximise individual, team and organisational performance.

Elisabetta’s journey was prompted by a childhood diagnosis of a rare genetic condition, which led her on a quest to understand how our bodies and the environment interact to switch genes on and off. As a clinical hypnotherapist and performance mentor, Elisabetta has assisted thousands of individuals to change unwanted behaviours, recover from trauma and achieve personal and career goals.

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